Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Desert Dragon.

Today started with eagerness for Bow Mastery and all the new content. After mixed feelings and Gacha talk, we got down to business and tried out the SM's of the day. Once finished Night ran into town and saw the first ever male counterpart to Milt, appropriately nicknamed Molt.

She has a cowboy hat too.
The Moroi members that were active at the time took a break or ran off to do their own thing. That is, until we remembered the Desert Dragon spawned. Night, Fear, Milt, Death, Luk, Eirra and myself waited for the dragon alone on Channel 5, in hopes of defeating it before the crowd came.

Initially, it was a rocky fight, the dragon didn't want to be tamed. After a while the tables turned and more people came to ch5. Despite one retard, things went smoothly and the Desert Dragon was slain at Luk's feet!

ED Dragon.

There weren't any good drops that we saw, but the Moroi guild lowered it's HP almost by half. Two dragons down, watch out Red Dragon. Oh wait.

Here's a video of the majestic defeat.