Friday, March 4, 2011

Peaca Basic, As Told by Fearasaur

In Sen Mag Plateau, in the north west region there is a dungeon known to most as Peaca, but to the souls who've gone venturing in through its walls, it is known as Hell.
Maybe it's the five floors very reminiscing of the five circles of damnation, or maybe it's the fact that each room ventured brings forth terribly strong, ghoulish creatures, bent only on torturing, and bringing destruction to each and every one in your party.

The tale begins on this evening, 3rd of March, 2011, seven brave souls, took it upon themselves to enter into this rightfully called Hell dungeon. With spirits high, but expectations on the ground, Exilednight, Zombzilla, Milt, Fearasaur, JUNIOI2, HIIDZAILOT, and Kiphio went into Peaca (Basic) as a mission of adventuring, and practical suicide. Though most of them had ventured the dungeon before, those previous experiences were tales of woe and failure, and in their minds, this would be no different.

The seven heroes swept through the first floor with minor injuries, and deaths, and as the the letters on the screen read "You're currently on Floor 2 of Peaca Basic Fomor Dungeon, their initial optimism had spiked from, "We're all gonna get fireballed and die" to "Whoa, we made it through to the next floor." The second floor was a bit more of a challenge to the party of seven, with slightly more difficult waves of cloakers, ghouls, wights, and ghosts hell bent on destroying them all. Though there were slightly more deaths, and deadly injuries, the heroes pushed through to the next floor with their leader still in tact.
Their optimism was as high as palala.

As the letters atop everyone's screen stated they had made it down to the third floor, everyone rejoiced, and congratulated each other for making it so far. Though their expectations were still wary, a sudden surge of "Yesican-ism" was present in everyone's mind. A surge that soon fizzled as they were assaulted by three Giant Fireflies that basically surprised buttsecksed them all. But even suprise buttsecks was not enough to stop the party from pushing through. Though they worked hard as a team, and prevailed clearing room after room (Or bailing when necessary.)on the third floor, half way through Kiphio, a member of the brave party had fallen victim to the death best known as RL. Though his body was gone, his spirit was with them, as they climbed the stairs down to the next floor.

The fourth floor was full of unexpected, and unwanted surprises that consisted of rooms with waves after waves of Wights, Hallow Knights, and all other sorts of other ghoulish things, that would spawn at the least inopportune time for the brave party members. AI: When they all had low HP, or when half the party members were dead on the floor, twitching, and seeing floating firey feathers floating over their motionless bodies, awaiting rescue. Though it was quite the difficult journey, the six remaining adventures had made it down to the next floor... AKA, the 5th circle of Hell.

The words "You're currently on Floor 5 of Peaca Basic Fomor Dungeon" scrolled across the top of the screen, they had done it, they had fought hard to get to the fifth, and final floor of the Peaca dungeon, and though that was accomplishment enough to be able to call it a great attempt, they wouldn't stop, with victory so close, they fought harder then ever, attempting to stay alive and help each other out. A couple of rooms in to the 5th floor, when everything seemed like they stood a decent chance, JUNIOI2 and HIIDZAILOT, two more party members fell victim to the real world. Crueler than any monster in Erinn, cursed is the faulty internet connection, cursed indeed.

At last, the final four had pushed through and, "survived" an onslaught of everything from vampire bats, and mimics, to Hallow Knights, and wretched ghosts, oh how we hate those red and blue spirits so. Exilednight, Zombzilla, Milt, and Fearasaur, now stood before the whiny Banshee, and her mini army of hell cats. Though they didn't seem like much, they were enough to make them all twitch with discontent. But with victory a screeching hag away, they mustered up, everything they had and achieved something that many people too scared to venture into Peaca, and even some that do never get to taste, success and glory.

Take that Banshee, suck on that Ghosts, you shouldn't underestimate the
members of Moroi.

Addition By ExiledNight:
tl;dr version here. We went into Peaca Basic and kicked ass. Got some souvenirs out of it. Went a lot better than we expected with only like 5 people by the boss room.

Milt's version of the story can be seen here.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Desert Dragon.

Today started with eagerness for Bow Mastery and all the new content. After mixed feelings and Gacha talk, we got down to business and tried out the SM's of the day. Once finished Night ran into town and saw the first ever male counterpart to Milt, appropriately nicknamed Molt.

She has a cowboy hat too.
The Moroi members that were active at the time took a break or ran off to do their own thing. That is, until we remembered the Desert Dragon spawned. Night, Fear, Milt, Death, Luk, Eirra and myself waited for the dragon alone on Channel 5, in hopes of defeating it before the crowd came.

Initially, it was a rocky fight, the dragon didn't want to be tamed. After a while the tables turned and more people came to ch5. Despite one retard, things went smoothly and the Desert Dragon was slain at Luk's feet!

ED Dragon.

There weren't any good drops that we saw, but the Moroi guild lowered it's HP almost by half. Two dragons down, watch out Red Dragon. Oh wait.

Here's a video of the majestic defeat.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eirrabel The Jousting Champion?

Being Sunday we all headed to the Jousting tournament. Well those of us that qualified at least. For the past month or so Lukshad has been trying to get the Spaika Armor that is sold in Lileas's shop with jousting points. Try as he might he still has not been able to get it, although he is making progress.

This week's tournament was different. Eirrabel and I entered just so we could throw the match for Luk and decrease the amount of time it would take him to get the armor. However, in the first round I was put up against Eirra, and I was mercilessly beat. Luk was also eliminated in the first round by a pedophile who was rubbing up on some little girl earlier during the registration. Eirra managed to plow through every single one of her opponents including Milt and ended up coming out in 1st place. Pretty impressive considering she entered just to give Luk a win no?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eventful Day

Today was supposed to be a somewhat boring day with not much planned. However we ended up doing much more than we expected. We first started with helping out Milt with her g12 semi final. That went by pretty smoothly nabbing us about 200k exp. We kinda trolled some person who was insulting us by dancing naked on top of them and following them all over the place. It was all Luk's idea.
Shortly after we finished helping out milt we decided to go run a Glowing Hound statue that we had collecting dust in the house. Those Masked Ghosts were the only trouble but even then we beat them with ease. One of the ghost's got a Huge Lucky Finish by killing Luk. OH THE IRONY!

Much to our surprise, we also managed to get Exploration Journal page 3 from the boss for Kiku. It was a great run overall. Kiku gifted each of us a dye as a thank you for the assistance on getting the page.

We left the dungeon in a pretty great mood after that. The second we step outside though, "Prarie Dragon has appeared in Northern Maiz Prarie!" Of course we had to accept that challenge. There were quite a few deaths when fighting it but we managed to take it down with only 4 of us. The drops were not that great but the satisfaction of slaying it was worth it.

We attempted to fight the Desert Dragon as well but it took more than 2 hours to come D; Most of us didn't stay for it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Double Grind-bow Event!

Double Rainbow, Double lag!

After seeing the announcement of the Double Rainbow Valentine event, Many in the guild decided to make the most of it by rebirthing and holding off on leveling. After the two of the most boring days on Mab we can remember (and a restraint failure at the fins(?) of Neid, giving us 7 levels) Monday finally rolled around.

The day started lagless and smooth as we started to dent into our hundreds of bronze and silver pages.
Unfortunately, Most pages were wasted on an unworthy cause.
Everyone that was on switched around in groups, grinding New King's Request and Guardian of Avon. Within the first 5 hours everyone was around level 45-60. Advanced wasn't cutting it anymore, Lag started growing deep in the bowels of Alexina, and our grinding tolerance drastically lowered. At least the server's not as tattered the first few DoubleRainbow.

Leveling aside, The day was very productive as Kiku became a Falcon Sage and Luk got Rank 1 Windmill. Looking forward to another DR Event.
Fill my eyes, With that double vision.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crystal Derps

So with the release of Mab's newest cash cow comes many many lols. When we first saw the Crystal Deer we thought it was extremely flamboyant and unmanly. Turns out its like Robot Unicorn Attack. At first you think its the gayest thing in the world and then you fall in love with it and its sparkling glory. Shin and Death we're the only ones who didn't get one but Shin is getting one soon.

The deer are pretty much the swiss army knife of pets. They can do everything and more which is kinda bs but deserving of the steep 15k nx price tag. Pretty sure they'll charge the same for Dragons, if not more.

Here is a video that shows how fabulous these deer are.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Opening Post!

This marks the opening of our blog ;D
Pretty much anything interesting that happens in the guild will be posted here. Later on there might be a surprise that we'll unveil.

Going to start by posting our Red Dragon Shadow Realm run. There was some heavy lagging going on but we managed to clear it pretty smoothly earning us a B rank. Milt managed to get Mary Jane shoes and everybody loled at the name of it, first Blunt Mastery and now this. We are all really looking forward to more of these secret runs.

Here is a link to the video of the boss fight. Pretty cake but then again it was on intermediate difficulty.